TAM News

Transportation and Climate Initiative Concerns

TAM is committed to improving air quality in Massachusetts and supporting policies that safeguard the environment.

Member Spotlight – MG+M The Law Firm

Founded in 1984, Manning Gross + Massenburg LLP (MG+M) is a national litigation and trial firm with 13 offices across the country.

In opposition to a truck-only vehicle miles traveled tax

TAM sends letter to Sen. Warren detailing their opposition to any proposal including a federal truck-only vehicle miles traveled tax.

Transportation workers can sign up for COVID vaccine March 22

Certain workers in Massachusetts will be eligible to schedule COVID-19 vaccine appointments as part of Phase 2 on March 22.

Member Spotlight – Tri Tank Corporation

TAM member Tri Tank is a stocking dealer for Heil, Polar, LBT, Brenner JARCO and Transtech. They have been in business since 1977.

Research documents realities of a National Vehicle Miles Traveled Tax

The ATRI released a new report detailing the costs of deploying and operating a national vehicle miles traveled (VMT) tax.

One year later in a Pandemic: Trucking on the frontlines will continue to deliver

Truck drivers are in harm’s way every day in the middle of a devastating viral disease. Every day, they continue to deliver.

RMV implements further federal credential extensions through May

RMV implements further FMCSA extensions to the renewal timelines for expiring CDLs, CLPs, and CDL Medical Certificates. 

FMCSA extends Medical Exam waivers again

FMCSA issued another extension to the previous CDL/CLP and Medical Examination waivers that were set to expire the end of this month.

Trucking at the heart of the economy

Powering economic growth, raising our quality of life and now, during these unprecedented times, just making life possible.