Massachusetts legilsature

Fall legislative update

As the Massachusetts legislature picks up its pace, TAM continues to do the same on the legislative front. At the moment, TAM has been focused on its rolling stock initiative, the transportation finance discussion and the governor’s CDL reform legislation.

On the first item, TAM has begun to broaden our reach to elected officials and non-government organizations that support stronger environmental and public safety initiatives. While rolling stock has a tremendous economic development upside, we have been making a concerted effort to ensure that the initiative receives support from a wide range of interests.

With respect to transportation finance, TAM has been meeting with House and Senate leadership to share TAM’s views on the need for transportation finance and, as importantly, which funding mechanisms will provide for shared responsibility and accountability. As you may know, TAM is a participant in the Massachusetts Business Coalition for Transportation with many of the leading business organizations in the Commonwealth.

Finally, with respect the governor’s CDL reform legislation, TAM continues to await the public hearing on the new filed matter. Currently before the Joint Committee on Transportation, this legislation would have a number of positive public safety impacts, but also may cause a couple unintended consequences. TAM has been reaching out to other impacted industries and associations to ensure they know of both the benefits and potential shortcomings of this legislation.

Stay tuned for more information as the Massachusetts legislature enters the Fall rush of business.